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Become an In-House Trainer

In-house AF-CBT trainers are certified AF-CBT clinicians who have extensive experience with  AF-CBTand have been invited or nominated to receive additional training to become in-house trainers. Becoming a Certified in-house trainer permits the person to lead authorized AF-CBT learning collaboratives within his or her agency.

Certification Eligibility

In order to be eligible to begin the AF-CBT In-House Certification process, you must:

  1. Meet all criteria for certification as an AF-CBT clinician
  2. Be invited or nominated in writing to become a trainer by a certified trainer or agency administrator (see Nomination Letter Guidelines)

Nomination Letter Guidelines

In any letter nominating a candidate to become an AF-CBT In-house Trainer, we ask that the following be included:

  1. The writer's relationship to the candidate
  2. Why the writer thinks this person would be a good trainer
  3. In what capacity the writer has observed the candidate either implementing AF-CBT or training in any subject

Certification Application Process

To apply to become an AF-CBT In-House Trainer, you must:

  1. Complete the AF-CBT In-House Trainer application
  2. Submit letter of support from agency for expansion of your role in the agency to include AF-CBT training (see Letter of Support Guidelines)
  3. Submit an initial payment of half the training fee

You will be notified when the process is complete and will be assigned a certified AF-CBT trainer to guide you through the certification process.

Letter of Support Guidelines

In any letter supporting a candidate to become an AF-CBT In-house Trainer, we ask that the following be included:

  1. The writer's relationship to the candidate
  2. The current role and responsibilities of the candidate
  3. The agency's comittment to the candidate adding training responsibilities to his/her current job responsibilities
  4. The agency's current and predicted use of AF-CBT
  5. How many trainees the candidate would be expected to train in AF-CBT each year

Certification Process

Step 1: Calls

The certified AF-CBT trainer who will be working with you will contact you to develop a collaborative call schedule of 6-12 calls to cover the in-house training curriculum.

Step 2: Curriculum

Prior to the first training call, review the In-House Trainer curriculum and compile a list of questions.  For each topic there is an agenda, objectives, and an assignment to complete between calls.

Step 3: Co-training

Upon completion of the training curriculum, participate as a co-trainer and consultant during an AF-CBT workshop and a number of the subsequent consultation calls. Participate in the advanced training as well.

Step 4: Evaluation Review

Training participants will receive evaluations to complete at the end of the workshop and again after the consultation calls with specific questions regarding the trainee. The certified AF-CBT trainer will schedule a call to review the evaluations from the co-led workshop and consultation calls. A decision will be made to either continue on to Step 4 or repeat Step 2.

Step 5: Observed Training

Lead an AF-CBT training at your agency with observation by your assigned trainer either in person or via video during the workshop, consultation calls, and advanced training.

Step 6: Final Review

Review with your trainer the evaluations from the workshop and consultation calls. A decision will be made to either received certification as an in-house AF-CBT trainer or repeat Step 3.

Certification Fees

The fee for AF-CBT In-House Certification is $1,500 in total. $750 of this total is paid when applying for AF-CBT Certification, with the rest being paid when the certification process is complete.

About Translation and Interpretation

For our international colleagues, we welcome observing trainings and consultations as well as receiving audio recordings and training evaluations in languages other than English. However, In-House Trainer candidates providing training and consultation in languages other than English will be subject to additional costs during the Co-Training, Evaluation Review, and Observed Training steps in order to procure translation and interpretation services. These costs are to be determined based on the availability of translation and interpretation services for the language in which training and consultation is provided.

Certified In-House Trainer Expectations

  1. Participate in the online AF-CBT discussion forum
  2. Conduct at least 1 AF-CBT training session per year
  3. Notify the Pitt Development Team prior to each training and provide information on the participants, timeline for the training year, and schedule of consultations
  4. Provide (or have agency provide) a $75 payment for each participant trained. This fee covers training materials and administrative costs for each trainee.
  5. When conducting training, follow the training procedures set up by the Pitt Development team (e.g., current slides, prepared materials, 12 consultation calls, pre-training survey, orientation videos, post-training evaluation)
  6. Conduct approximately 16 hours of live training for each initial training workshop
  7. Ensure that conducted training workshops are interactive, open to discussion, with ample opportunities for skill building
  8. Collect training evaluations from all participants after each set of workshops and at the end of the consultation process. The results of these evaluations are expected to average 3 or above. Feedback will be given to the in-house trainer and if necessary, steps toward remediation will be taken with the development team
  9. Consent to your name and contact information being included on a list of certified AF-CBT in-house trainers on our website


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